Thursday, January 7, 2016

26 Weeks


It's crazy how much things change in 6 short weeks :-)

Weeks along: 26

What's new with baby: He's now the size of a head of a lettuce and is anywhere from 13 1/2 to almost 15 inches long! His eyes after being closed shut will open soon, and he's continuing to learn how to breathe by swallowing amniotic fluid.

Maternity Clothes: Yes

Symptoms: Feeling good this week! With the belly growing bigger and bigger I'm starting to feel my sense of balance shift and my hips loosen, but I'm not quite at the waddling stage yet ;-)

Cravings: Nothing in particular, but I've definitely turned into a snack monster. Fruit, granola bars and peanut butter on crackers have all been consumed frequently this week.

Workouts: Getting better. Managed to squeeze in a 30 minute walk, a BodyPump class and a 30 minute elliptical session + 1 mile walk this week.

Baby Purchases: Nothing that I've bought, but his grandma and grandpa have sure made up for my lack of purchases :-). They got him a whole slew of stuff this week from clothes to a crib mattress. All three of us are so lucky to have such supportive families.

High point of the week: Nate and I did a date night on Saturday and it was fantastic. We saw The Big Short, which if you haven't seen I highly recommend.

Concerns/Issues: I had a nightmare about the baby last night. Even though it's silly I've been thinking more and more today about how I hope we both are healthy when he's born.

Missing: Nothing this week.

Sleep: Like a million times better this week. I've been getting a solid 8-9 hours every night with only waking up once or twice. I wish I could say I had more energy as a result, but it has at least made waking up easier.

Looking forward to: My baby showers! I have some awesome family and friends that I can't wait to celebrate with. They're not for another month or so, but I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.


  1. sorry you're having nightmares! Hope those stop and I'll hope for a healthy delivery for both of you!
