Monday, February 2, 2015

15 things for 2015 Checkup

With January come and gone, the first month of 2015 is officially over. To keep myself accountable, I decided to do a monthly checkup on how my New Year's resolutions are going. I figure this might be the kick I need to cross more of these of my list! 
  1. Try 6 new recipes that aren't desserts (and post the review/recipe on here). This may sound simple, but while I love baking I loathe cooking. One down, 5 to go. You can check out how my first one went here
  2. Read 5 new books. I'm currently ready Amy Poehler's Yes Please, but since I'm less than halfway done with it, I'll count it as my first one. Ugh, I wish I could say this was going better, but I'm still less than halfway done with Yes Please. Any suggestions for books you weren't able put down? 
  3. Try something that takes me out of my comfort zone. Still trying to figure this one out. Stay tuned :)
  4. Take pictures for at least 4 family functions. One down. I took pictures of my nephews birthday in January...although the pictures haven't been posted yet (whoops!)
  5. Hang pictures of family/friends on the walls (this sounds simple, but our home has had nearly bare walls...for almost 2 years). Nope, although I'm looking forward to doing this soon.
  6. Send a birthday card in the mail to 3 friends/family members. Nope, although planning on doing my first one possibly this month!
  7. Do an act of kindness. Not yet!
  8. Visit 3 places I've never been before. Trip to North Carolina in June is set! Now figuring out how we can squeeze in the other 2 places...
  9. Follow a clean eating or whole 30 plan for a week (hopefully longer, but baby steps, right?)Trying to work up to this, but I have to admit this is a tad intimidating. 
  10. Work back up to running a 5k again, straight through. Since the half-marathon we did 2 years ago (yeesh, time flies) I took a hiatus from running, and have never quite gotten back in the groove. Better late than never, right? Consistently walking 2-3 miles a night after work now, but haven't really started running. Baby steps, right?
  11. Blog at least 24 times. Truth be told I suck at this, but maybe 2015 will be the year to be more consistent! The only resolution I'm currently over-achieving! 6 posts down including this one. 
  12. Clean out/organize all of the closets in our house. Hall closet down, 500 5 closets to go 
  13. Surprise my husband in some way. Still trying to figure out something creative
  14. Do a house project. To paint the upstairs trim, or to not paint the upstairs trim?
  15. Go visit a friend that lives in another state. Settling in a college town means that the majority of our friends over the years have moved, and seeing them is long overdue.  Working on this! It may have to tie in with #8 
There you have it! Truth be told, I thought I was much farther through this list so I'll have to get on it. Only 11 months left in 2015!



  1. The Girl on the Train. You HAVE to read it. I read it in two days. I seriously didn't do anything else until I finished it. SO good!

  2. Totally ordering this! Thanks for the suggestion :)
