Wednesday, March 9, 2016

35 Weeks

Weeks along: 35

What's new with baby: Out little guy is about 18 inches long now and around 5 pounds. Across all the different pregnancy apps he's been compared to anything from a honeydew to a rabbit to a kid's size backpack.

Maternity Clothes: Yes

Symptoms: Still some lower back pain/lower belly pain, especially on the days where I get some activity in. At night the babe also likes to be right up in my rib cage so in order to be comfortable, I've been leaning over an exercise ball on my knees when watching TV. It's quite the sight.

Cravings: Pancakes and crepes. My family came over for breakfast this weekend and I had more than my fair share of both :-).

Workouts: Walked 2.5 miles 2x during the week at lunch and then hit up the dog park for a 30 minute walk with Nate and the pigs. Speaking of the pigs, I couldn't help but snap this picture when I was getting ready for work the other day. Daisy + the snoogle = true love.

Baby Purchases: I actually think this is the first week where we haven't purchased anything specifically for little man ;-).

High point of the week: Going to my sister-in-law's house on Saturday to play with our nephew and new niece. We got in lots of newborn snuggles, relaxed on their porch and grilled out.

Concerns/Issues: No change from last week - still good ol' labor and delivery.

Missing: Mobility, sleep, not being able to breathe.

Sleep: Still not great. Waking up 3-5x a night to use the bathroom isn't horrible, it's waking up because my hips start to ache and flipping over to the other side that's a pain. I told Nathan I feel like a beached whale at night :-).

Looking forward to: The weekend! We have no plans and it's glorious.

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