Wednesday, October 28, 2015

16 Weeks

Week 15 was a blur and I completely forgot to write a post, so onto week 16!

I'm not sure why my hand looks giant in the photo, but I promise in real life it's not that big ;)

Weeks along:16

What's new with baby: Baby is the size of an avocado. I guess I could feel movement as early as this week, but I haven't yet. The ears are developed enough that he/she can hear my voice and N's voice, so that's kind of cool!

Maternity Clothes: None yet, although there's one last pair of jeans that will button comfortably, and cardigans have been my BFF.

Symptoms: Feeling a little out of breath and still having some days that I'm exhausted, but overall feeling great!

Cravings: Chocolate. Halloween candy. I'm embarrassed at how much I've consumed.

Workouts: Had a major lag in week 15, but this past week we walked about 6 miles a day when N and I were Boston, and then Monday when I got back I ran/walked a 5k. I also took a BodyStep class that was brutal, but good. Let's just say burpies are not my friend.

Baby Purchases: We bought baby M's first bib when we were in Boston that says "Little Monstah." My mom also picked up the cutest KU infant hat that instantly made me melt. I love it.

High point of the week: Spending the weekend in Boston with N. Even though it was a short weekend trip, we had an absolute blast spending quality time together.

Concerns/Issues: None this week :-)

Missing: Fitting into my jeans. I feel like I'm hitting the peak of the awkward pregnancy phase where I feel chubby, but not noticeably pregnant. At this point I'd rather have a real baby bump.

Sleep: Great this week, but the weird dreams keep on coming. Last night I had one that my dad put up and took down all of his Halloween stuff before Halloween actually happened, and I was really upset that they put everything away early.

Looking forward to: Scheduling the anatomy scan appointment! I'm hoping we can find out a couple days shy of 20 weeks so N will know what we're having before his birthday.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

14 weeks

Excuse the unmade bed - it was a busy morning!

Weeks along:14

What's new with baby: Baby is now the size of a lemon. His/her ears are developed enough that it can actually hear mine/N's voices.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet

Symptoms: Feeling like myself this week, besides my nose being on overdrive. I can smell everything!

Cravings: Still changes constantly, but this week it was egg sandwhiches (which is really just buttered toast with some eggs on it) with OJ. I could still have this every day.

Workouts: Continuing to get better! Took a BodyJam class Friday, walked/ran 3.5 miles Sunday and took a Body Step class that was killer on Tuesday.

Baby Purchases: We have a second-hand baby clothes/gear store next to us, so N and I went in on Monday when we were off looking at daycares. We found an almost brand new baby swing/glider thingy for half off so we jumped on it!

High point of the week: We announced on FB. I went back and forth on saying something/not, but with a lot of out of town relatives I figured we might as well. We used the baby shoes we bought last week and incorporated the pigs into the photo. I think it turned out pretty well :)

Concerns/Issues: Ugh, daycare. Besides it being crazy expensive, our top choice won't know until 3-4 months out if they have a spot when we need it. We're putting a deposit down this week on our 2nd choice, and then we'll be putting our names on the wait list for our #1 choice. Put this on the list of "things that are not fun when having a baby."

Missing: Nothing this week.

Sleep: Becoming more hit and miss. I'm having crazy realistic dreams at night (unfortunately none where we know what the baby is) and it's constantly waking me up.

Looking forward to: My 16 week appointment in a couple weeks. Hearing the heartbeat is always music to my ears :).

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

13 weeks

6 weeks
13 weeks

Adding some bump pics this week! I feel like some of the bump is definitely bloat, but it's big enough that I think (at least I hope) some of it is baby.

Weeks along:13

What's new with baby: Babe is the size of a matchbox car (about 3 inches) and has formed vocal chords and fingerprints.

Maternity Clothes: Nope

Symptoms:Feeling less tired and just overall more like myself!

Cravings: This changes weekly, if not daily. I craved Rotisserie chicken on Sunday like cray, so we got one for dinner and it was delish.

Workouts: Workouts are getting better, but I should probably be ramping up the intensity now that I have more energy. Did a 2.5 mile walk, 3.5 mile walk and body pump class last week.

Baby Purchases: I bought the tiniest pair of baby shoes for our announcement. It's still hard to believe that in just 6 short months little feet will be filling them!

High point of the week: Telling my work, and officially being in the second tri. I feel like I can breathe now! After hearing our baby's heartbeat for our 12 week appointment (best. sound. ever.) I was so ready to let the secret out!

Concerns/Issues: Currently trying to research and set up a time where N and I can tour day cares fairly soon. Hoping that our top choice doesn't have a wait list.

Missing: Nothing this week.

Sleep: Continues to be great. Sleeping on my stomach for as long as I can :)

Looking forward to: Finding out the sex, showing (and not just looking like I ate a huge meal), and spending the holidays looking at baby stuff with N.

11 weeks

Written September 24th

Week 11 I was mostly home with a cold, so we're just going to skip over it and get to a week where I was feeling better :)

Weeks along:11

What's new with baby: Just two short weeks until the first tri is over, and I cannot wait! Baby is looking more baby-like every day and fingers/toes aren't webbed anymore. Important stuff like hair follicles and nail beds are also forming.

Maternity Clothes: Nope, although by the end of the day I have to unbutton my pants...but like 80% sure that's due to a food baby and not the actual baby.

Symptoms:Still tired 24/7, but the nausea officially stopped around 8 1/2 weeks.

Cravings: This week when I got home I had to order myself a California roll and some edamame from our favorite sushi place for dinner. I'm also loving fruits (especially oranges) and any/all sweets. 

Workouts: Finally got in a little bit of activity. Ran 4 miles on Saturday (haven't done that since week 5!) and then did a run/walk combo on Monday for 2.5 miles with a quick weight session after.

Baby Purchases: New molding was purchased/painted/installed in Baby M's room. I painted the new molding when N and I were both coming down with a cold. When we were both out for the count later in the week my dad came to the rescue and cut/installed it for us. We still have to paint the window/door molding and reface the doors, but it already makes the room look brighter and cleaner!

High point of the week: Telling my aunts/uncles/grandparents. After weeks of my parents asking if they could tell family, I caved this week and told them to go for it. They're all very excited and supportive, but it's times like this where it's a little bittersweet having all of them live on the East Coast while we're in Kansas.

Concerns/Issues: Just anxiously awaiting our next appointment (next Friday). Hoping that we can hear little one's heartbeat and everything is continuing to progress well.

Missing: Still throwing myself a mini pity-party whenever I see that most ski places will be opening in a little less than a month, and I won't be able to go. N and I were thinking about taking a babymoon to somewhere that has mountains (we're thinking Pacific Northwest) so we don't feel like we're missing anything.

Sleep: Fantastic, but I feel like I need at least 10 hours to not feel exhausted. Luckily N isn't opposed to being in bed by 8:30 on the weeknights :-)

Looking forward to: Finding out the sex. Right now there are tests out there that can determine the sex as early as 10-12 weeks, but they're only covered under insurance if you're high-risk (thankfully we're not), so we still have to wait 9 more weeks. 9 weeks seems like such a long time, but hopefully it flies by!

9 Weeks

Written September 11th

Weeks along: 9

What's new with baby: Baby has officially been upgraded from embryo to fetus! Currently just a shy of an inch long, he-baby or she-baby is developing more facial features, teeth buds and external ears.

Maternity Clothes: Nope

Symptoms: Feeling better this week! Nausea has definitely subsided. Unfortunately because of that I've been eating everything, but I'm hoping to reel it back in. Still tired most days, but definitely an improvement.

Cravings: I've had a strong cupcake craving lately. I may or may not have ran downtown to a bakery to buy a mini cupcake to satisfy my craving, and now I just want 15 more ;-)

Workouts: A couple of walks, but nothing stellar. We also visited our friend in Atlanta over Labor Day weekend which made it hard to get in exercise. Not an excuse, but I'll be picking it up for sure next week!

Baby Purchases: My mom surprised us when we got home from Atlanta with a snuggly winter weather outfit in white for baby M along with some basic onesies and a little firefly toy to hang from he-baby or she-baby's car seat. Our friends Rachael and John also got us the softest, fuzziest little bunny rabbit stuffed animal for the nursery, along with this book where we can write letters to our babe and give it to them in the future. This kid is already spoiled :-)

High point of the week: We got to see Baby M on the ultrasound! He/she was measuring exactly along with where it should be and had a heartbeat of 175. I think N and I seeing it on the ultrasound more real, but I still can't wait for the day we find out the sex so we can really start planning.

Concerns/Issues: That much closer to the end of the first tri, and I'm anxious for it to get here already. Part of me is just hesitant to truly be relaxed about this pregnancy until we get past the 13th week.

Missing: I'm throwing the silliest pity-party for myself, but I'm bummed that I know I won't be able to go skiing this year. I know it's for a great cause (hello, baby), but I'm by far my happiest on a ski slope. It's just one season, but I'm hoping this winter I'm distracted enough that I don't dwell on not being out there.

Sleep: Still great, although I wish there were about 5 more hours in the day so I could sleep more and still get stuff done.

Looking forward to: Having a relaxing weekend and decorating for fall! Planning on going to all the craft stores to find something to spruce up our mantle.

8 Weeks

Written September 1st

Weeks along: 8

What's new with baby: Now the size of a wild strawberry, or 1/2 of a Lego brick, take your pick. Little miss or mister is moving its arms/legs, and the taste buds are forming.

Maternity Clothes: Nope

Symptoms: Still tired 24/7, and some days nausea kicks in like whoa, but other days it's manageable. The girls definitely still hurt though, which continues to be fun.

Cravings: ALL the Mexican food, and carbs are my BFFs.

Workouts: Another lackluster week with being exhausted. I got in a couple of walking workouts (2.5/3 miles apiece) but that was about it. I'm hoping once the first tri fog lifts I'll be able to get back to my regular 3-4x a week workouts.

Baby Purchases: Got our first pack of diapers! Target had a promo where if you bought 2 packages you got a $10 gift card. We had to pick up a pack for our neighbor's newest addition anyways, so I figured we might as well pick up one for us :-)

High point of the week: Our first prenatal appointment was Friday! It almost didn't happen because my OB had to go to the hospital to deliver a baby, but 2 hours after my original appointment they were able to squeeze me in. We haven't gotten back any of the blood work yet, but my Dr. said everything so far looks very normal and healthy. We have our first ultrasound tomorrow, so I'm anxious/excited to see the babe. I feel like it'll make it feel real. We also told my two childhood BFFs this weekend since my friend Sarah was in town. Their reactions were great, and they're very happy for us.

Concerns/Issues: I love our families, and I'm so happy they know right now, but a part of me is really paranoid/concerned that someone will find out through the grapevine. I just don't want someone at work hearing that I'm expecting without it coming from me....

Sleep: Still great, although I wish I could do it all the time.

Looking forward to: Our first ultrasound tomorrow! Fingers are crossed for a healthy and active bebe.

7 Weeks

Weeks along: 7

What's new with baby: Upgraded to a blueberry. The lungs and digestive system are forming, and over 100 brain cells per minute are being produced.

Maternity Clothes: Nope

Symptoms: The fatigue has hit hard. Last night I got home from work, laid in bed for about an hour, fed myself and then went back to bed at 8. I was asleep by 8:30. Oh, and nausea is definitely kicking in.

Cravings: This week was blueberry muffins. I bought one last night for dinner and it was delish.

Workouts: Oy vey. Workouts were definitely tough this week. I got in a 2.5 mile walk, a 3 mile walk and then did about 3 hours of yardwork. No running, no classes. I know I need to step it up, but being exhausted/nauseous makes it hard to want to do anything but lie down.

Baby Purchases: My mom picked up a couple books and some picture frames from a garage sale. The books are two of my childhood favorites (If you give a Moose a Muffin and If you give a Mouse a Cookie).

High point of the week: Going to a comedy club and seeing Cristela Alonzo. She was hilarious, and it was nice for N and I to find something we can both enjoy on a Saturday night that's pregnant lady-friendly.

Concerns/Issues: Just holding our breath here for a little bit until we get out of the first tri and can actually see Baby M.

Sleep: Amazing. I <3 sleep. Now if only I didn't feel so tired 24/7....

Looking forward to: My first appointment this Friday and my friend Sarah coming into town!

6 Weeks

Weeks along: 6

What's new with baby: Currently the size of a sweet pea. This week the major organs and systems begin to form.

Maternity Clothes: Nope

Symptoms: Tired, and a little nauseous during the morning hours. Oh, and my boobs. Yea, those things feel sore and swollen 24/7.

Cravings: I don't think this is necessarily baby-related, but froyo has sounded amazing lately so we indulged and had some Saturday :-)

Workouts: Run/walk on Monday for 3 miles, 2 mile walk Wednesday, walked 5 miles Saturday and did a Body Pump class on Sunday. Not too shabby!

Baby Purchases: None yet.

High point of the week: We told my family this weekend! Nate and I went out to lunch with my parents and little brother Saturday morning and told them then. When we were waiting to be seated we were just hanging outside the restaurant, and I told my dad "did you know there was 6 people in the car?" Of course he didn't really quite understand, so I then just said "well, 6 because I'm carrying an extra one - I'm pregnant!" My parents proceeded to shower us with hugs and kisses and tell us how happy and excited they were for us. My older brother wasn't at lunch, so at family dinner the next day I gave him a mug that said "good things are going to happen" and on the inside of it wrote "Baby Myers coming April 2016" He had the same reaction, and my sister-in-law almost broke out in tears she was so happy. It feels so good to have so much love and support.

Concerns/Issues: Trying to enjoy  this pregnancy, but also wanting time to speed up and for my 10 week ultrasound to get here. Our #1 thing is we just want a healthy baby.

Sleep: Good! Some tossing and turning at night, but overall I've been going to bed EARLY (like 9:30pm) and waking up at around 6:30am. 9 solid hours helps a little to not be so tired, but I still find myself feeling like a zombie some days.

Looking forward to: My first appointment next Friday, the results afterwards, and scheduling my first ultrasound.

The Positive Side

Written August 10th, 2015

It's hard to believe that it's been less than a week before I saw the magical plus signs and realized that yes, this is really happening.

Being 5 weeks today brings such a rush of mixed emotions. I'll admit I google too much, and for every happy baby story it seems like there's five about miscarriages. We told N's father's side last night after his sister revealed to everyone she was expecting her 2nd. We kind of just blurted it out, and ever since I've been slightly regretting even saying anything. It's still so early on, and while part of me is on cloud 9 imagining what life is going to be with a baby, the other part is terrified that it might not happen.

We still have 7 long weeks until we're officially in a "safe" place, but now begins a life where nothing is truly "safe" anymore. I keep telling myself the best way to be is positive, so for now I'm focusing on today. Today I am pregnant, and today I love our baby.

Weeks along: 5

What's new with baby: Currently an apple seed. This week the spine starts to form, along with some of the major organs.

Maternity Clothes: None yet.

Symptoms: Getting the tiniest bouts of nausea and some mood swings (Ns mostly getting the brunt of those), but otherwise feeling great.

Cravings: Nothing so far.

Workouts: Just a 4 mile run on Saturday. I didn't get back from visiting NY for my Grandma's funeral until Wednesday, and Thursday/Friday I was wiped out.

Baby Purchases: Nope

Rants/Raves: N has been great throughout this process so far, and seeing him so excited melts my heart.

Sleep: Okay, but not great. My brain has been on overdrive ever since we've found out, and I've been having really vivid dreams so it's been hard to stay asleep.

Looking forward to: Telling my family this Sunday at family dinner. I can't wait to see the look on my parents faces :).

Concerns: 7 weeks seems like such a long time. I'm so anxious to get my first ultrasound so I can see Baby M, but 5 weeks seems like such a long time away.

How we found out: I was in New York visiting my family since my Grandma had passed away, so I took a test the day before I left. We had been trying for about 3 months, and when the test was negative I assumed nothing was out of the norm so I didn't think anything of it. Well, when nothing came during my 5 day trip, I was officially late. N picked me up from the airport and I had him drop me off at home so I could take the one test I had left while he went to buy a couple more. Almost instantly it was a positive. I texted him the picture of the test and added in a "Yep, definitely pregnant!" but never got a response back from him. Then I realized I just texted my husband the biggest news of our lives so far. TEXTED. Who does that?! I was so excited at this point I waited for him in the driveway to get back, and when he got out of the car I asked him if he had checked his phone. Luckily he hadn't, so when he looked at his phone and read the text I got to see the full effect of him realizing he was going to be a dad. It was the cheesiest, happiest face I've seen, and we sealed the good news with a kiss.

Thoughts on TTC

Written March 31st, 2015

We're still 2 months away from trying, but just knowing we're working our way towards having a hard date at TTC is making me giddy, nervous and so happy.

Now don't get me wrong, I haven't been this way until recently. Honestly, the last year has been a year of ups and downs when it came to this topic. I love kids, but frankly, having one has scared me ever since I can remember. Hearing from friends (and the internet) how expensive day care is, how uncomfortable pregnancy (and labor, yeesh, that one still freaks me out) can be, and the million things that can go wrong along the way, there were lots of times where I thought having kids maybe wasn't worth the trouble.

Then..... my mind changed. I started thinking for myself. Kids will always be expensive, pregnancy is tailored to the individual (I can only pray for an easy one), and there's always things that can go wrong, but that's just one side of it. The underlying theme to almost everything that I've heard or read is that yes, there are sacrifices and pain and long nights, but it's worth it. It's so, so worth it.

My mind changing was the last piece that needed to click into place. N's been ready this whole time. I can see it in the love he has for our nieces in nephews. The excitement he gets when helping the neighbor's daughters with a woodworking project. The way he would talk about our future children and his hopes and dreams for them already. As soon as I brought up that I had been thinking about us starting a family, and starting one soon, he was all in. Having his support and love was all I needed to be reminded that no matter what challenges come our way, we'll tackle them together.

I've always heard babies change your life, but I guess it's time to see it for ourselves.
