Thursday, March 24, 2016

37 Weeks

Weeks along: 37

What's new with baby: All my apps tends to have some discrepancies when telling me height/weight, but this week I've really noticed a difference! At this point our baby could be anywhere from 6.2-9.2 pounds (please, not 9.2 pounds!) and 19-21 inches long. He's considered "full term" as of this week.

Maternity Clothes: Yes

Symptoms: Oh sciatica pain. I never knew the joy of it until I started getting pain radiating from my lower back down through my legs. Round ligament pain has also made it's way back into my life and I can now feel my legs/ankles (although at this point they're really cankles) swelling. These last few weeks are just making me feel super glamorous and attractive ;-)

Cravings: PB&J sandwiches with milk have definitely made their way up the list this week

Workouts: Two 2.5 mile walks. Pretty tame this week.

Baby Purchases: Nothing this week

High point of the week: Going out to dinner with a few other couples from our birthing class on Saturday. It turned into us hanging out for 3+ hours, and it was really nice to get to meet new friends and all talk about being first-time parents. We also had our growth scan. He's measuring just a couple days ahead and is already an estimated 6 lbs 10oz (around the 60% percentile). It was great to be assured that everything looks great, and it was especially awesome that he happened to be in the perfect position that the tech could switch over to 3D so we could see our little guy's face one last time before we get to see it in person!

Concerns/Issues: Labor/delivery, although at this point I'm ready to get it over with and not be pregnant/FINALLY meet our son!

Missing: Mobility.

Sleep: Blech, not awesome. I'll get maybe one decent night followed by another one where I'm getting up 6-7 times completely awake.

Looking forward to: Having this baby and finally getting to meet the little guy. I know he's more likely to come on/after his due date, but I'm still crossing my fingers that he comes a little before then :-)


  1. Woo hoo, full term!!! That's so exciting. He will be here soon!

  2. Looking great! Can't wait to "meet" baby boy!
