Monday, February 1, 2016

30 Weeks

So I realized that I've been basically a week behind in my posts. Today I'm 30 weeks, so I'm skipping a week to get back on track ;).

Weeks along: 30

What's new with baby: Baby M is almost 3 pounds and 16-17 inches long! Since he's been packing on the pounds, he's been shedding the all-over body hair that was keeping him warm. He's making his way head-down to get ready for D-day.

Maternity Clothes: Yes

Symptoms: Definitely getting sore in my lower back after working out and slowing down overall, but otherwise feeling good!

Cravings: Cherry almond ice cream. Nate and I picked some up Friday night and I was in heaven.

Workouts: A 40 minute elliptical session on Tuesday, 20 minutes on the elliptical/15 minute walk/weights Wednesday, and a BodyPump class Thursday. Surprisingly the elliptical feels amazing, but walking on the treadmill has been a little painful as I get some round ligament pain if I go faster than 3 mph.

Baby Purchases: We may have traded in my car for a small SUV :-). Nate has tried to convince me since I first got pregnant that my compact car was not going to be car seat friendly. Well, a couple weeks ago when we tried putting the car seat in the middle of the car and taking it out, I realized he was 100% right. If we weren't giants (I'm 5'10" and Nate is 6'3") I think we could have worked around it, but it's definitely nice having a car that we don't have to squat in and out of.

High point of the week: I had my first shower this weekend. My sister-in-law who is 37 weeks pregnant threw me the most amazing shower for Nathan's side of the family. I don't know how she managed to make every last detail perfect all while being so close to having our niece and running after our 18 month old nephew, but it was spectacular. Baby M and I definitely felt the love!

Concerns/Issues: I think making it through the first couple weeks. Healing after labor and delivery all while taking care of a newborn still sounds like a daunting task. We're so excited to meet him, but I'm definitely a person that needs sleep.

Missing: Mobility. I know it's only going to get worse before it gets better, but I definitely feel like I've reached the "beached whale" stage of pregnancy.

Sleep: Hit and miss, and the weird dreams continue. Last night I had a dream I wanted to go back to college this semester to get my MBA, but I was stressing out because I realized I'd be having a baby halfway through the semester.

Looking forward to: Our 3-D ultrasound this Wednesday. I can't wait to see his little face :-).

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, you are getting so close! I always felt like from 30 weeks on went by so fast! I'm glad you got a car that fits better! Putting a car seat down into a car is rough!
