Wednesday, October 7, 2015

13 weeks

6 weeks
13 weeks

Adding some bump pics this week! I feel like some of the bump is definitely bloat, but it's big enough that I think (at least I hope) some of it is baby.

Weeks along:13

What's new with baby: Babe is the size of a matchbox car (about 3 inches) and has formed vocal chords and fingerprints.

Maternity Clothes: Nope

Symptoms:Feeling less tired and just overall more like myself!

Cravings: This changes weekly, if not daily. I craved Rotisserie chicken on Sunday like cray, so we got one for dinner and it was delish.

Workouts: Workouts are getting better, but I should probably be ramping up the intensity now that I have more energy. Did a 2.5 mile walk, 3.5 mile walk and body pump class last week.

Baby Purchases: I bought the tiniest pair of baby shoes for our announcement. It's still hard to believe that in just 6 short months little feet will be filling them!

High point of the week: Telling my work, and officially being in the second tri. I feel like I can breathe now! After hearing our baby's heartbeat for our 12 week appointment (best. sound. ever.) I was so ready to let the secret out!

Concerns/Issues: Currently trying to research and set up a time where N and I can tour day cares fairly soon. Hoping that our top choice doesn't have a wait list.

Missing: Nothing this week.

Sleep: Continues to be great. Sleeping on my stomach for as long as I can :)

Looking forward to: Finding out the sex, showing (and not just looking like I ate a huge meal), and spending the holidays looking at baby stuff with N.